Procedures & Forms

K. N. Toosi University of Technology offers several programs for faculty members as well as Ph.D. candidates to support their international research collaborations. Faculty members may apply for sabbatical leaves, short- and long-term research visits, and additional funds to attend conferences. All Ph.D. candidates at KNTU, who starts their research may also apply for a short-term research visit and pursue her/his research at well-known universities or research institutes abroad. KNTU also offers Adjunct Professorship Program for established researchers or young scientists with strong academic background, who are collaborating or plan to collaborate with different departments or research groups at KNTU.

Adjunct Professorship

KNTU offers an adjunct professorship to tenure tracked faculty members with strong academic background, who are collaborating or plan to collaborate with KNTU. The applicants should be affiliated to a high ranking university or research institutes. The appointment may be granted for different purposes like serving as co-supervisor or co-adviser for graduate students, participation in lectures, workshops and short programs, dual degree programs or joint research contracts. The appointment is granted for a specified period of time and may be renewed upon successful achievements. More information on the procedures and application forms are available in the following links.

Sabbatical Leaves

KNUT regards sabbatical leave as most important to the personal and career development of faculty members and also as a possibility to strengthen their contacts with the world-wide community of scholars, thus enhancing their contribution to the university on their return. Faculty members on sabbatical leave are encouraged, but not required, to leave the university during part or all of their period of leave. All faculty who participate in the program assess and report their success of their leave in a Sabbatical Leave Final Report. If you are interested in the sabbatical leave program, the documents below will provide you with some helpful information and forms for application.

Research Visits

KNTU encourage early-career assistant professors as well as experienced associate and full professors to apply for a short- and long-term research visit with the goal of promoting academic exchange or cooperation. The applicant shall submit a concrete scientific research plan for their visit along with a list of intended achievements. Assessment of the visit outcomes compared to what was intended will be done after completion of the visit by submitting a complete report. If you are interested in the research visit program, the documents below will provide you with some helpful information and forms for application.

Conferences Participation

This program aims to provide financial support to KNTU faculty members in order to present their research findings at international scientific events such as conference, seminar, symposium, workshop etc. The program also helps the scientific staffs to gain insights into the latest scientific and technological trends in the global arena and to build networks with scientific communities. The amount of support is determined based on the rank and the location of the corresponding event. The applications should be submitted to department office and sent to international office not later than 30 days in advance prior to the start date of the event. More information on the application procedure are available in the following links.

Ph.D. Student Sabbatical Leaves

This program aims to provide financial support to KNTU Ph.D. students  for a short term sabbatical leave to be spent in a high ranking university or research center abroad. The program helps the students to gain insights into the latest experimental facilities and research environment in our global partner universities, and to build networks with scientific communities. There are two types of financial aids to the applicants. A limited number of applicants are admitted to apply for the financial support of the ministry. The number of admitted applicants are announced two times in a year. A limited number of applicants who are not applied for the ministry financial aids, may apply for the financial support of the university. The amount and number of such financial supports are limited, and depends on the availability of funds during the year. The amount of support is determined based on the duration of the leave and the country of visit. The applications should be submitted to department office and directed to the ministry/or  international office not later than 45 days in advance prior to the start date leave. More information on the application procedure are available in the following links.

M.Sc. and Ph.D. Joint Thesis Supervision

Joint thesis supervision opens new horizons for long term joint collaboration between university faculty members with their peers in leading universities and research institutions. This program aims to provide financial support to KNTU faculty members to initiate joint thesis supervision with their partners at M.Sc and Ph.D. levels.  The amount of support is determined based on the rank and the partner university or research institute. The applications should be submitted by the department office to the international office, while more information on the application procedure are available in the following links.

International Activity Registration Process

This possibility is provided for the Faculty Members of K. N. Toosi University of Technology to register their international activities in Golestan System and to receive an official certificate issued by the International Vice-Chancellor. For this purpose, please take  the certificate from the International Vice-Chancellor Office at first, then refer to “Activity Registration Process” in your Golestan System and register your international activity according to the guidelines.

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