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The Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and KN Toosi University of Technology (KNTU) have resorted their relations by signing MoU, in December 2022. Upon this document, “Roorkee and KNTU agree to establish a program for academic cooperation in areas of mutual interest” for five years.

Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee is among the foremost of institutes of national importance in higher technological education and in engineering, basic and applied research. Since its establishment, the Institute has played a vital role in providing the technical manpower and know-how to the country and in pursuit of research. The Institute ranks amongst the best technological institutions in the world and has contributed to all sectors of technological development. It has also been considered a trend-setter in the area of education and research in the field of science, technology, and engineering.
The Institute had celebrated its Sesquicentennial in October 1996 and now completed more than 175 years of its existence. It was converted to IIT on September 21, 2001 by an Ordinance issued by the Government of India declared it as the nation’s seventh Indian Institute of Technology, an “Institution of National Importance”.

The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (ITTD) and KN Toosi University of Technology (KNTU) have resorted their relations by signing a renewal of their previous MoU, in November 2022. Upon this new document, “IITD and KNTU agree to establish a program for academic cooperation in areas of mutual interest”. The preceding MoU was ratified in 2016 and the parties decided to prolong it in order to develop their scientific cooperation for five more years.

The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi for short) is an autonomous research university based in India. It is counted among the top universities in the world for technical education. It was established in 1961 by an act of the Indian parliament and designated an “Institute of National Importance” in 1963.

KN Toosi University of Technology (KNTU) and Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) have signed an MoU, in November 2022, in order to tighten the relation between two universities.  Some of remarkable objectives of this cooperation are: the academic, scientific and technological interactions, the exchange of students and faculty members, joints research in various areas and exchange of experience, materials, publication and information.  This MoU will be open to the bilateral activities till 5 five years and can be extended upon mutual consent.

According to Webometrics, the BNTU ranks among 9% of the world’s best universities.

The Belarusian National Technical University today is a great educational, scientific and entrepreneurship space radiating charm, creativity and intelligence. It is the leading technical university in Belarus

K.N.Toosi university of technology  has recently signed a cooperation agreement with Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi under Erasmus+ in three fields: Geodesy and Geomatics, Electrical engineering and Material sciences.

Afyon Kocatepe University was founded in 1974 under the affiliation of Anadolu University. In 1992 became a university in Afyonkarahisar. As of January 2021, there are a total of 1029 faculty members and 890 administrative personels. The total number of students is more than 32.000.

The academic relation between KN Toosi University and ITC dates back to 2001 when a joint program named JKIP, and later JIK, had been organized for postgraduate students. In 2017, the cooperation continued in accordance with a new framework, offering 2 majors to the candidates of MSc degree: Remote Sensing (RS) and Geo-information Systems (GIS). According to the program schedule, the students commence the first year in Iran and go to Netherland to finish their final semesters. The program is conducted in English and the candidates must accomplish their knowledge of this modern Lingua Franca, especially before entering ITC. In the beginning of the academic year of 2018-2019, the second group of students was admitted to the program and now they are preparing themselves to start their second year of study in Enschede in September 2019.

ENIB is one of our important partners in France. We are conducting a joint MSc program in Material Sciences through student exchange, and are promoting this program to award double degrees to postgraduate students. The PhD candidate may enroll in a joint supervision Ph.D. program from each university called Cotutelle. Upon this agreement each student enrolled in one of the university Ph.D. programs may stay in the other university for a duration of more than one year, and obtain dual degrees from both universities.

We also are trying to define a framework according to which some Iranian MSc students would be eligible to spend a period of internship in ENIB laboratories. The first group of candidates, among our MSc students, will begin their placement this year.

The faculty of Electrical Engineering admitted the first group of Masters students into this joint program in 2008. This program is a 1+1 program in which the students will complete their first year of studies in Iran and after acquiring an acceptable level of German language, they entered Leibniz University of Hannover to complete their thesis. Upon successful graduation of a number of students, both universities agree to foster the program to a joint supervision Ph.D. program on Power Engineering. Erasmus+ funding is available for this program exchange of professors and students for years 2017-2020.Further collaboration on joint research contracts is currently perused by two universities. A joint international contract is already accomplished in Iran through this partnership, and further DFG funded research programs are being pursued.

Upon the newly established agreements between two universities, a joint master interdisciplinary program between Electrical and Geodesy Engineering is being considered.  For this reason, a DFG initialization program is applied for a delegation visit to Tehran and to execute a joint workshop in this field.

This agreement covers many objectives such as student exchange, sabbatical visits, joint programs etc. Currently, exchange of Masters and Ph.D. students, exchange of faculty members and sabbatical leaves, and a joint workshop has already been accomplished, and Ph.D. Cotutelle program is being envisaged to be conducted in near future. Furthermore, it appears that upon the close partnership of two universities a joint international research project may be conducted, and means of Jundi-Shapur funding may be applied and granted in near future.

The MSc joint-program in Biomedical Studies started in 2008 as a 1+1 joint program in which the students start their first year of studies in Iran and accomplish their research in France. Upon successful graduation of a number of students, both universities agree to foster the program to a joint supervision Ph.D. program in this field, and extend the collaboration towards joint research programs funded by two universities or third parties. Several Jundi-Shapur research programs were fully accomplished now, and joint Ph.D. supervision is being conducted. Exchange of professors and a joint international workshop is other outcomes of this collaboration.

The main domain of collaboration is Exchange of students and faculty members in different fields of mutual interest. It is agreed to provide financial support for sabbatical leaves of Ph.D. students in the fields of Engineering and Science. Furthermore, upon completion of some exchange program and joint publications, it is aimed to apply for international grants to international funding agencies to promote joint international research projects.

The main domain of collaboration is Mechanical and Material Engineering codirected by faculty of Mechanical Engineering, university of West Bohemia, and faculty of Material Sciences and Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology. The aim is to promote the joint researches programs through exchange of students, and professors, joint supervision Ph.D. program and joint publications. The program has been started of our university into the laboratories of the University of West Bohemia. The elaboration must conduct to publication of scientific papers. The student can spend their internship in Czech Republic and eminent professors are invited to our university to present their speeches.

After signing the agreement enforced by three amendments about joint programs, student exchange and professors’ invitation and lecturing, some exchange programs have been accomplished in terms of internships of Lebanese students into K.N. Toosi University of Technology. Furthermore, Recruitment of Graduate students to study in our university has been accomplished, in which the number of Lebanese student studying in K.N. Toosi University is ever increasing.

The aim of the joint program of K.N. Toosi University of Technology and KAIST on Culture Technology (CT) is to promote research and to educate specialists in crossroad fields joining the technology to the culture. This program is designed to promote the national cultural content providers as the future of nation-wise core key industries through education of interdisciplinary top-level specialists on cutting-edge technology. Currently our students are pursuing their research on Ph.D. or Masters level at KAIST, and likewise many other Iranian students are among the top students studying in this field of studies. Furthermore, we have developed many ties to Iranian Institutes and cultural and visual content providers in the field of digital art, to promote joint teaching and research in this field based on long history of Iranian culture. Our essential aim to educate specialists in this field, and to finally inaugurate a CT faculty at K. N. Toosi University of Technology.