The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) was founded in 1948 at Imperial College, London. IAESTE is an independent, non-profit and non-political student exchange organization. Since 1948, the association has grown to include more than …
The Scholarship Administration of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology declared that the ADA university of Azerbaijan grant scholarship opportunities to Iranian students in BSc and MSc levels. The deadline for registration is at most April 5, 2020. For registration …
K. N. Toosi University of Technology and Western University of Canada (UWO) jointly signed an International Dual Degree Agreement in January 2020. International dual degree programs generally provide unique opportunities for the graduate students and promote the development of intercultural …
Biomedical Engineering Group of K.N. Toosi University of Technology and Université de Picardie Jules Verne holds the third international workshop on "Joint Structural-Functional Modeling of Neonatal Brain Development " by Pr. Fabrice Wallois (Head of GRAMFC INERM U1105), Pr. Hamid …
According to the agreement between Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) and K. N. Toosi University of Technology (KNTU) and within the frame-work of "mobility with partner countries outside of the European Union" we can offer a few number of scholarships (research …
K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Multidisciplinary International Complex (MIC) and Computational Medicine Center holds lecture on "Optimization of Energy Consumption by Ice Thermal Storage " by Dr. Mohamad Sharafi (owner of four national and international patents, with 40 years of …
The Scholarship Administration of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology declared that the Iran- Hungary reciprocal scholarship opportunities to Iranian and Hungarian students in MSc and PhD levels. The deadline for registration is at most January 15, 2020. Please refer …
Aerospace Engineering Faculty of K.N. Toosi University of Technology holds lecture on "The use of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations for clean energy technologies" by Dr. Fatemeh Salehi from Macquarie University in Sydney- Australia on Tuesday , December 24, 2019 …
Five leading Iranian technical universities has initiated the "Group of Five Universities (UT5)" in Iran. Isfahan University of Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Sharif University of Technology, and Iran University of Science and Technology …
K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Multidisciplinary International Complex and Computational Medicine Center holds lecture on "The impact of biological agents on the mechanical strength of composites" by Dr. Reza Javaherdashti (the author and Co-author of internationally referenced books, certified by …