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Mohammad Ali Nekouei

Assosiate Professor

Phone No: +98 21 84062318

Email: manekoui@kntu.ac.ir

Personal website: http://wp.kntu.ac.ir/manekoui


      Ph.D.: University of Leeds, UK, 1997.

      M.Sc.: University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 1976.

      B.Sc.: University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

Research Interest:

  • Linear Systems
  • Optimization
  • Fractional Order Systems


Mohammad Ali Nekoui received his M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tehran in 1976, diploma specialization in instrumentation & metrology from Ecole Superieure d’Electricite (Supelec), France, and his Ph.D. at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Computer and Control Department from University of Leeds, the UK in 1997. Since 1980, he has been with the K.N.Toosi University of Technology. Dr. Nekoui was an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of this university. His interest included linear and nonlinear optimization, linear systems, optimal control, and different mathematics aspects in control. He is retired now.

Selected journal papers:

  1. Orouskhani, M., Teshnehlab, M., Nekoui, M.A., “Integration of Cat Swarm Optimization and Borda Ranking Method for Solving Dynamic Multi-Objective Problems,” International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, 2016.
  2. Farahani, S.S.S., Jahed-Motlagh, M.R., Nekoui, A., “Novel congestion control algorithms for a class of delayed networks,” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2015.
  3. Pakzad, M.A., Pakzad, S., Nekoui, A., “Exact method for the stability analysis of time-delayed linear-time invariant fractional-order systems,” IET Control Theory and Applications, 2015.
  4. Razavi, S.E., Nekoui, A., Jahed-Motlagh, M.R., “A novel approach to control the temperature of Nanoparticles’ targeted site,” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2015.
  5. Pakzad, M.A., Pakzad, S.,Nekoui, M.A., “On the stability of fractional-order systems of neutral type,” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015.

Contact Us

Address: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, 

Seyed-Khandan, Shariati Ave., Tehran, Iran.

Postal Code: 16317-14191

P. O. Box:16315-1355

Tel: +98-21-8846-9084

Fax: +98-21-8846-2066

Email: eehead@kntu.ac.ir