The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is an independent, non-profit and non-political student exchange organization. Since 1948, the association has grown to include more than 80 countries world-wide and has exchanged in excess of …
The Scholarship Administration of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology declared that the Hong Kong scholarship opportunities to Iranian students for 2021-2022 is now open to application. Please refer to following website for more information and primary registration: Email: …
The Int’l Affairs & Overseas Students at Persian Gulf University announced this call to nominate the candidates for two remote post-doc positions in IoT and Smart Cities starting in Spring 2021. Two completion certificates will be issued independently from PGU …
The Mamaself Consortium includes 6 primary European Universities in the feld of Materials sciences, Physics, Chemistry. These renowned universities are situated in culturally rich cities in Europe. They stand for global knowledge, exchange, shaping the future with talent, excellence and …
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of KNTU holds "Interpersonal Influence in Computer-Mediated Interactions" webinar; by Dr. Mahdi Roghanizad from the American University; Ryerson, on Monday, December 21, 2020 at 17:30- 19:00. For free registration please refer to
Isfahan University of Technology and IUT International Scientific Cooperation Center hold the first UT5 (5 Top Universities of Technology) Webinar Event about "Real World Optimization Projects". The event will be on Monday, 21 December 2020, 12:20 p.m.-17:30 p.m. For more …
The Scholarship Administration of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology declared that the Chinese Government scholarship opportunities to Iranian students in MSc and PhD levels for 2021-2022 is now open to application. The deadline for registration is at most January …
Faculty of Desert studies and Scientific collaborations office of Semnan university holds a "Machine Learning in Environmental Studies" virtual scientific lecture on December 14, 2020. The speaker, Dr. Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, is from Tubingen University in Germany. The webinar link is
Faculty of polymer engineering of Sahand university of technology holds a "Ti3c2 MXene_Polymer Nanocomposites and Their Applications" webinar on December 13, 2020. The speaker, Dr. Rezai, is from Drexel university in USA. The webinar link is
LA Office of Kermanshah University of technology holds a "Research Challenges in DC Microgrids: Application, Control and Protection" webinar by Dr. Amin Hajizadeh from Alborg University in Denmark on Sunday , December 13, 2020 at 11 AM (IRST) Webinar Link: …