Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA and K.N.T. University of Technology holds the 10th Asian Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition on 1-3 November 2020 which will provide a bridge for the thermal spray community …
The MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) offers scholarships to professionals for short courses in the Netherlands. The program is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The main aim of the MSP is to contribute to democratic transition in the …
Iran-Switzerland joint scientific experience exchange on the topic: "Application of Artificial Intelligence and Contact Tracing App during COVID-19" was held on August 24, 2020. In this webinar five speakers from Iran and five speaker from Switzerland shared their valuable research findings on …
DFG and Amirkabir University of Technology will present an overview of funding opportunities for international collaboration in the German research system and hopes a fruitful discussion on how to organize and perform bilateral projects in a remote mode. The webinar …
The Japan state offers a MONBUKAGAKUSHO Scholarship for undergraduate students, college o technology students and specialized training college students in 2021. The deadline for registration is at most July 16, 2020. Please refer to the Embassy of Japan website at: …
In order to impart basic knowledge on various aspects of the lightning phenomenon to the scientists and professionals of the NAM and other developing countries, the entre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries NAM S&T …
The Slovak Republic state offers a number of scholarships to Iranian students in 2020-2021 academic year. The deadline for registration is at most April 30, 2020. Please refer to following website for more information:
The Scholarship Administration of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology declared that the The Thailand state offers scholarship opportunities to Iranian students in MSc levels. For more information refer to Please Refer to following websites for information on university …
The Romanian state offers a number of scholarships to foreign students in 2020-2021 academic year. Please note that the beneficiaries of scholarships granted by the Romanian state should study only in the Romanian language. The candidates who do not know …
The French Embassy in Iran declared that is granting post-doctoral fellowships researchers in Sciences, Engineering and Social Sciences. The deadline for registration is at most April 16, 2020. Please refer to following websites for more information: