The Scholarship Administration of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology declared that the Hungary reciprocal scholarship opportunities to Iranian students in MSc and PhD levels. The deadline for registration is at most January 16, 2020. Please refer to following websites …
The final list of the world's most cited scientist was published by the Scopus in 2020, and six professors from K.N.T University of Technology were among the world's most cited scientists. Total citation, H-index, Coauthor ship-adjusted H-index, Total citation to …
Faculty of new science and technology and international scientific collaborations office of semnan university holds "A Sustainable Desalination Approach by Membrane Distillation" webinar on November 19, 2020. The speakers are from RMIT university in Australia. The webinar link is
Faculty of mechanical engineering and international scientific collaborations office of semnan university holds "on hydrogen, batteries and fuel cell in future smart energy systems and applications" webinar on November 11, 2020. The speakers are from Lund university in Sweden. The …
K.N.T. University of Technology, Wenzhou university, Sun Yat-Sen university and Chong Qing university holds the first webinar of better future by chemistry on November 17, 2020 . The speakers will discuss about the novel approaches for the synthesis of hetero …
K.N.T. University of Technology and IBL holds the Remote Sensing Approaches for Temperate Forest Monitoring: Implications for Management webinar on November 4, 2020 . The speakers will discuss about monitoring of Białowieża Forests bark beetle out break with use of …
By invitation of K. N. Toosi University of Technology (KNTU), as a representative of the top five technological universities consortium in Iran (UT5), Prof. Taqi Al-Abdwani, the president of Gulf University and Nano City of Oman, visited KNTU on Wednesday …
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA and K.N.T. University of Technology holds the 10th Asian Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition on 1-3 November 2020 which will provide a bridge for the thermal spray community …
The MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) offers scholarships to professionals for short courses in the Netherlands. The program is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The main aim of the MSP is to contribute to democratic transition in the …
Iran-Switzerland joint scientific experience exchange on the topic: "Application of Artificial Intelligence and Contact Tracing App during COVID-19" was held on August 24, 2020. In this webinar five speakers from Iran and five speaker from Switzerland shared their valuable research findings on …