Iftar for K.N.T.U. International Students
Office of Vice-Chanellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs of K. N. Toosi University of Technology hosted International students for a friendly Iftar Feast. The feast was held on Tuesday May 21, 2019 in International student dormitory and the Electrical Engineering Faculty.
The ceremony started by visiting the dormitory by Prof. Alizadeh, Saorg general director of foreign student affairs, KNTU chancellor and the vice chancellors. The officials had an intimate meeting and conversation with the foreign students and expressed their gratitude on the active presence of students in this feast. They also mentioned, such events can promote collaborations and cultural exchanges among students. Then, they heard and responded to the students concerns and questions.
On the contrary to usual meetings, in this meeting one of the international students on behalf of the others, gave two hand written gifts to the officials and gave their tributes and gratitude toward them.
The ceremony was continued by Iftar with Iranian food in Electrical Engineering Faculty restaurant, while some of Afghan and Syrian students served their traditional cuisine.