First International Conference on Geoenergy and Fifth National Petroleum Geomechanics Conference
Today, with the reduction or complexity of hydrocarbon reserves, as well as the position of geoeconomics in the global security and sustainable development, the issue of Geoenergy is a priority and has a vital role. Therefore, the knowledge of the earth towards new technologies in the field of Geoenergy, including strategic subsurface reserves of oil, water, natural gas, development of oil and gas fields and increasing exploitation of unconventional reservoirs, geothermal energy, hazardous waste disposal, development of models Geomechanical and geophysical explorations etc. are progressing well.
Holding scientific conferences is a suitable platform for exchanging new scientific findings and strengthening the collaboration between academic and industry to solve the problems in the industry.
Iran Petroleum Geomechanics Association and the Oil Industry Productivity Research Institute of K.N. Toosi University of Technology will hold the first international conference on Geoenergy and 5th Iranian National Conference on Petroleum Geomechanics focusing on new energies concurrently.
This conference, with the support of holding four successful sessions of petroleum geomechanics conference, invites professors, researchers, industrialists, students, and those interested in these fields to help us in holding this conference by actively participating and sending their latest scientific findings.
We look forward to meeting you at this event.